COVID-19 Updates
Updated 5/3/2021 –
As of February 2021 Governor Cuomo, along with NYS, gave overnight and day summer camps the green-light to open for the summer of 2021. NYS has yet to produce a comprehensive guide on how to safely operate summer camps as of the date this is written. But the CDC and the ACA have created their own guidelines on how summer camps should safely operate this summer. As such, the information on this page is subject to change as we receive further guidance from NYS.
At this time Camp Regis Applejack is preparing to open both its residential and day summer camp programs this June. Our opening date is June 27th, and our staff will be arriving a week earlier to properly quarantine before the arrival of campers. We will be operating slightly differently than previous years in terms of our residential vs. day campers. Both will receive the full CRAJ summer experience, but they will not be co-mingling. Our residential campers will be creating a covid bubble so that they can potentially be able to spend the summer without their masks on 24/7 (this is a point that may change upon direction from NYS). Our day campers will need to be masked, and practice safe socialization when outside of camp.
We will be requiring all campers, both day and overnight campers, to get a COVID test within 48 hours of arriving to camp. And everyone will need to have a health check upon arrival on the property, anyone with symptoms will need to return home. Our residential campers will need to get COVID tested again within the first week of camp to make sure that our COVID bubble is secure, this will be taken care of by Camp Regis Applejack.
Again, these details are in flux and can change at any point. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Director at: (919) 357-5533 or