We at Camp Regis Applejack take the safety of our campers seriously. We are constantly updating our emergency and general procedures to make sure your children are as safe as they can be.
Keep reading to learn more about our Camp Safety Plan and Procedures, or give our Directors a call at (518) 327-3117 for more information.
Health and Safety at Camp Regis Applejack
Our infirmary is located in the heart of the camp, next to our Main Office and Dining Hall. The facility boasts a full exam room, quarters for our in-house Resident Nurse, and 10 private rooms that can hold 20-30 campers. A large common area aids our weekly health checks on campers and staff to make sure everyone is healthy and lice-free.
Camp Regis Applejack employs at least one NY Certified Resident Nurse to oversee the Infirmary, in addition to our Head Nurse we have at least one additional medical professional per 50 campers at camp.
We complete general health checks on our campers and staff as they arrive at Camp for the summer as well as weekly throughout the summer. This ensures that we are closely monitoring the general health of all of our Camp Family and giving them the best summer. Lice checks and temperature checks are performed during this general health check.
If your child has a prescription or daily vitamins we ask that you please get in touch with our Directors and send the medications straight to our offices so our nurse can keep them safe and distribute them when required. The danger of leaving the medication or vitamins with your child may seem minimal but we require that all medication be given to the nurse for safekeeping and monitoring for our and your child’s safety.
Please send all medications and vitamins to us at:
c/o Camp Regis Applejack
P.O. Box 245
Paul Smiths, NY 12970
We are excited to welcome Marilyn as our Head Nurse for the Summer of 2021!
Marilyn comes to Camp Regis Applejack with over 10 years of camp nurse expertise and 27 years as a school nurse. She has a Bachelor’s in Nursing and a Master’s in Education with an emphasis in Counseling. In her free time, Marilyn enjoys walking her dog, Bently, reading, and baking.

Changes for COVID-19
We at Camp Regis Applejack have adopted new safety measures to our Camp Safety Plan to properly plan for a safe summer while COVID-19 is still at large.
- We will be requiring all campers to receive a COVID-19 test at least 72 hours before arriving at Camp Regis Applejack. Upon arrival on the Camp property, all campers will have a basic health check to determine if they have any symptoms of COVID-19.
- We will be limiting the number of out-of-camp trips that put our campers in highly populated areas and will cancel any out-of-camp trips should we deem the area too dangerous of contagion. We will also be limiting the number of out-of-camp individuals we allow on the property during the summer, such as food delivery workers or maintenance to limit exposure.
For More Updates Please Read our COVID-19 Page
Below are our required Safety Measures for Day and Overnight Campers:
Day Campers
1. All campers must have a negative covid-19 test within 72 of their camp start date.
2. Campers who attend multiple weeks do not need a weekly test, with the EXCEPTION of campers who are enrolled for non-consecutive weeks (for example they are enrolled for week 3 and week 6). In this instance, a camper would need a negative test within 72 hours of the week 3 start AND within 72 hours of the week 6 start.
3. All campers will be health screened during morning drop off while they are still in their cars. Any camper with a temperature above 100.4 fahrenheit or with any significant covid symptoms, such as a cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, diarrhea, or nausea will not be able to attend camp until they receive a negative covid test.
4. Campers will be assigned to pods and will engage in camp activities within their pods. In all likelihood, the entire group of daycampers will be considered a “pod” although we may split into smaller groups at times during the day for activities.
5. Campers must wear masks while at camp, except while swimming and eating. Please bring at least 2 masks with you daily. Masks must fit the child properly. During lunch campers will remove masks but they will be required to be 6 feet apart while eating and must put masks back on as soon as they’re done eating.
6. Day campers and overnight campers must maintain at least 25 feet of distance between each other.
7. If a camper becomes sick during the day, they will be quarantined from other campers in a designated area and they must be picked up by parents.
8. Campers may not simultaneously be enrolled in Camp Regis Applejack and other programs, such as little league or boy scouts. Similarly, campers and families should do their best to avoid higher-risk situations such as unmasked indoor gatherings with non-family members and unmasked large gatherings of any kind, either during the week or on weekends.
9. Campers and staff will frequently wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer
Overnight Campers
Before Camp
1. All campers must receive a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of their start date at camp and provide documentation of the test to the camp, either by scanning and emailing to director@campregisapplejack.com or faxing the result to 518-734-0106
2. Campers must self-quarantine for 2 weeks before camp to the very best of their ability, meaning that they should avoid public places, particularly indoor ones and also avoid gatherings with anyone outside their immediate family.
3. Campers will need to bring their own masks to camp. Please label and pack at least 10 fabric masks. We ask for fabric as it is better for our environment and will allow us to wash and re-use, if it is not feasible for you to pack fabric masks please pack a box of disposable masks.
4. If a camper is going to be dropped off at camp, their parents will unfortunately have to remain in the parking area. Normally, we love to have parents tour the campus/ help their child unpack etc, but this year, only campers and staff are allowed on campus. If a camper is flying into camp, please fly into Albany NY or Burlington VT anytime after 9 am but before 6 pm on arrival day. Campers will be picked up at the airport by Camp Regis Applejack staff.
During Camp
5. Campers will be COVID tested after arrival at camp between days 3-5, as per CDC guidelines. The tests will be done at the Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake. In the event that a camper receives a positive COVID-19 test, parents/guardians must pick up the camper from camp within 48 hours of notification. Campers will be housed in a cabin separate from other campers until they can be picked up by parents.
6. Campers will remain within “cabin pods” for the purpose of limiting possible transmission of disease. Pods will engage in camp activities together and will maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from campers and staff in other pods. Furthermore day campers and overnight campers will remain in separate pods and maintain a distance of at least 25 feet from each other. After receiving a negative Covid-19 test result on day 4 or 5 campers may remove their masks within their own cabin pod. Campers will also remove their masks while eating but will be seated 6 feet apart and will replace their mask as soon as they’re done eating.
7. Most of Camp Regis Applejack activities take place outside. For any indoor activity campers will wear masks at all times and maintain 6 feet of distance from each other. Campers will also wear masks during outdoor activities unless they are instructed by staff that it is safe to remove masks.
8. Cabins and any public use areas will be disinfected each day.
9. Any time campers are in a motor vehicle, such as for transport to the local Covid-testing location or to a trailhead for a hiking trip, all campers must wear masks.
10. Campers will be screened each morning by the medical director. Any camper who exhibits possible covid symptoms may be asked to remain in the camp infirmary and/or covid tested. Parents will be informed if this occurs.
11. Campers and staff will frequently wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer
CampInTouch is your online account that enables us to share inofrmation with parents and guardians. If you have enrolled your child online you have already registered for a CampInTouch account and can log in to manage your account. You can use this secure portal to:
Make payments
Complete and submit forms
Communicate with other parents
View images from the current camp session
Log in here: https://regisapplejack.campintouch.com/v2/login/login.aspx
Contact Us
Testimonials Widget
This is just a line to tell you how pleased we were with Karen’s summer at your camp. Your counselors are superb, kind and thoughtful people and the campers are truly delightful. In addition, Karen’s tennis improved remarkably under Dan’s direction. We are sure she will make Jr. Varsity on our school team that boasts ranking New England players.
SG (Parent)
West Hartford, Connecticut -
I can’t tell you what it means to us to have Kate tell us about the plot and characters of Phantom, Les Mis, Little House of Horrors, or Bye Bye Birdie, and to watch her listen to the music from these shows with great appreciation.
SM (Parent)
San Francisco, California -
What a great time we had at visiting day this year. It always brings back feelings of being a child again when I walk along the trails and smell that clean Adirondack air.
PL (Camper / Parent)
Rockville Centre, New York -
I thank you for the recent packet which you sent concerning Andrew and his activities at camp. This recent mailing reminded me that since he returned from camp, I’ve been meaning to write you to thank you for making this summer one of the most memorable and meaningful summers that he has even had.
SC (Parent)
Essex Fells, New Jersey -
My husband and I thank you for a wonderful camping experience. Tom and Chris are full of camp stories, songs, jokes and reminiscences of all sorts. Please add the family to your long list of admirers. We enjoyed our visit with you in your lovely woods and we’re sorry it had to be so brief. Much love from the boys.
MT (Parent)
Cherry Hill, New Jersey -
We look forward to the upcoming parent’s weekend. We not only enjoy seeing the beauty of the mountains, but also the pleasure of witnessing tolerance, gentleness, and thoughtfulness being encouraged. These values sustain the spirit as much as the water in St. Regis Lake sustains the life around it.
JF (Parent)
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania -
Only when Matt came back from camp and told us of all that he had experiences and all the friends he made, did I begin to appreciate the valuable experience of this camp. I now know that I was very fortunate to have chosen Camp Regis Applejack. He grew in maturity, responsibility, and confidence. I was very glad that he was able to meet people with different backgrounds and people from different countries.
MG (Parent)
Boca Raton, Florida -
I want you to know that we were pleased at picking Camp Regis Applejack for Paul, out of more than half a dozen camps considered. Bob and Holly did a great job stimulating interest for Paul in the boating program. He now has a new found love for sailing.
SD (Parent)
Chicago, Illinois -
I was very impressed with the dedication of the counselors. It’s rare to find so many who are willing to contribute so much to our children. I especially want to thank the drama coach, Peter.
SD (Parent)
Richmond, Virginia -
Karen had a wonderfully happy and productive summer. We are very pleased with her attitude, outlook, and enthusiasm. Her bunk and counselors were super and that makes for a terrific summer.
EM (Parent)
Rye, New York -
Your philosophy for bringing these kids together and being responsible and cooperative is wonderful. Thanks for letting Julie be a part of it.
AG (Parent)
New Orleans, Louisiana -
As parents, we appreciate very much the kind of non-competitive, interesting and motivating camp programs you’ve built at Regis Applejack over the years.
DN - JN (Parents)
Plainview, New York -
Hank and I want to thank you for providing another successful summer for our daughter Katherine. Each summer we have seen a big leap in her independence and development of social skills. Thanks for your diligence in providing a safe atmosphere in which learning and childhood joys appear to be intertwined and flourish.
HS (Parent)
Vienna, Virginia -
The unspoiled Adirondack surroundings, the “safety first” philosophy, the wide variety of activities and the multi-cultural/multi-ethnic atmosphere all combined to help me feel I chose the right place.
PD (Parent)
Brooklyn, New York -
My children have developed long-lasting friendships, which I’m sure will be lifelong. The rich source of cultures and backgrounds has also been a major asset to the camp environment.
MW (Parent)
Upper Montclair, New Jersey -
It was obvious to me that everyone cared in a special way. It was really amazing to realize what a valuable experience this was. I thank you! Steve intends to return and hopes someday to be a counselor. I now understand why campers return year after year and then continue on as counselors at Camp Regis Applejack.
ED (Parent)
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania